

Shapley Value based Variable Interaction Networks for Data Stream Analysis

Zenisek, J., Dorl, S., Falkner, D., Gaisberger, L., Winkler, S. & Affenzeller, M. - Shapley Value based Variable Interaction Networks for Data Stream Analysis - Computer Aided Systems Theory - EUROCAST 2022 18th International Conference, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, February 20-25, 2022, Revised Selected Papers


Prescriptive Analytics: When Data- and Simulation-based Models Interact in a Cooperative Way

Affenzeller, M., Boegl, M., Fischer, L., Sobieczky, F., Yang, K. & Zenisek, J. - Prescriptive Analytics: When Data- and Simulation-based Models Interact in a Cooperative Way - In proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing


A domain specific language for distributed modeling

Zenisek, J., Bachinger, F., Pitzer, E., Wagner, S., Falkner, D., Lopez, A. & Affenzeller, M. - A domain specific language for distributed modeling - Proceedings of the 35th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, 2023, Greece, Athens


A messaging library for distributed modeling

Zenisek, J., Bachinger, F., Falkner, D., Pitzer, E., Wagner, S., Lopez, A. & Affenzeller, M. - A messaging library for distributed modeling - Elsevier, Procedia computer science


Automated Machine Learning for Industrial Applications – Challenges and Opportunities

Bachinger, F., Zenisek, J. & Affenzeller, M. - Automated Machine Learning for Industrial Applications – Challenges and Opportunities - Elsevier, Procedia computer science


A Systematic Mapping Study of Predictive Maintenance in SMEs

Khan, M., Ahmad, A., Sobieczky, F., Pichler, M., Moser, B. & Bukovsky, I. - A Systematic Mapping Study of Predictive Maintenance in SMEs - IEEE Access, 10, 88738-88749


Utilizing Interpretable Machine Learning to detect Dynamics in Energy Communities

Zenisek, J., Bachinger, F., Pitzer, E., Wagner, S. & Affenzeller, M. - Utilizing Interpretable Machine Learning to detect Dynamics in Energy Communities - Proceedings of the 34th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium, 2022, Italy, Rome


A Tabu Search Approach to the Shot-Term Operational Planning of Power Systems

Knospe, I., Stainko, R., Gattinger, A., Boegl, M., Rafetseder, K., Falkner, D. - A Tabu Search Approach to the Shot-Term Operational Planning of Power Systems - Operations Research 2022, Karlsruhe